Doing household chores, writing or anything that involve using your hands could be really difficult to accomplish if you have painful warts on your palms or between your fingers. It can be very disabling and not to mention unsightly. It is important to totally eliminate warts on your hands to bring your life back on track.
These skin growths may resolve on their own without treatments but it will take months or even years. You may want to get rid of them as soon as possible to get rid of the discomfort and its ugly appearance. Skin growths or warts maybe a symptom of other diseases and it is important to be properly diagnosed by your doctor. Talk to your doctor to know what to do.
Here are some of the common ways to eliminate warts on your hands:
Medical treatment. If your doctor confirmed that the bumps on your hands are warts, your doctor may recommend medical procedures to get rid of it. Common medical procedures are freezing or cryotherapy, laser surgery, electrosurgery and curettage. Of course you have to consider the cost of the treatment because surgery can be very expensive. Although surgical methods can remove warts on your hands instantly, treatments maybe repeated because warts can be very stubborn and may comeback. You may also experience pain after the local anaesthetic wears off.
Home remedies. There are a number of home remedies that some people find effective. Common home remedy to eliminate warts on your hands is salicylic acid applied on the affected area to irritate the warts that will naturally peel off over time. Using duct tape to cover the warts and then rubbing the affected area with pumice stone to peel off the thick skin is another home remedy. Always remember that it is not recommended to remove warts on your hands by cutting or burning without medical intervention because it could cause bleeding and very dangerous.
If you have tried almost everything and failed, do not lose hope. Different people have different response to treatments and it is best to continue looking for the best treatment that will work for you. Alternative treatments to eliminate warts on your hands are another option. Did you know that you can totally eliminate warts by attacking the root cause of the problem? Get rid of warts for good right from its root cause. Visit Warts Free in 3 days
To know more about warts and skin diseases visit Warts and Skin Problems Natural Remedies
To know more about health and beauty visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty
About the Author
Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Tips to Totally Eliminate Warts on Your Hands. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.
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